We will learn how to resolve the npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE problem in this article. You may notice the error code in your output if you perform the download command followed by the start command. The below article will help you find your solution. Learn now!
What Causes The Problem?
We’re attempting to run the start order to execute our project but receiving the following error.
“npm ERR! file sh
npm ERR! errno ENOENT
npm ERR! syscall spawn”
How To Solve The npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE Error?
Make sure to follow these steps to fix the problem. You only have to run each command one at a time. First, erase the package-lock.json file. Then, enter the following command: npm cache clean -force.
Next, run the npm install code. Finally, enter the npm start code, and you will solve your error.
Here are the solutions
Solution 1
To fix this error, all you have to do is clean the cache, clear the node module, and erase a few other things. First and foremost, use this command to clear the cache.
“npm cache clean –force.”
Then, delete every node module’s subdirectory. Delete the package-lock.json file as well. After that, launch the install code. You may now start your application without any issues.
Solution 2
This issue occurs because your node modules directory is damaged. To repair it, follow the instructions below. First, same as usual, we clear the cache with the command.
“npm cache clean –force.”
With node modules, remove the package-lock.json file and the node modules directory. Using this command to do so.
“rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
Alternatively, you may erase it by right-clicking over it and selecting the Delete tab.
Next, execute the code below to re-install the packages.
“npm install”
Enter the correct command and start your development site. It will function properly without mistakes. Type the last code as below.
“npm start”
Solution 3
First, use this order to clean up your project.
“npm run clean.”
Then, either manually or by this command, remove the node modules directory.
“rm -rf node_modules.”
After that, use the npm install code to acquire all of the modules. Finally, finish with the npm start command. You should now resolve the problem.
Solution 4
Remove the node modules directory and package-lock.json files with the below command, execute npm install.
“rm -rf node_modules && rm ./package-lock.json && npm install”
The npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE error solutions sure help a lot on the problems. Please send us your best-suited solutions to support you with better answers in the future.
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