Tips On Handling The Error “The emulator process for AVD Pixel_C_API_30 was killed” In Windows

One of the common problems that developers face when working with Android devices is the error – The emulator process for AVD Pixel_C_API_30 was killed. This problem can usually be solved by changing the AVD configuration or upgrading the device driver. This blog will help you to fix this issue.

How To Handle The Error “The emulator process for AVD Pixel_C_API_30 was killed” In Windows?

In Windows 10, when using Flutter with an Android Studio, you may get a notification today that you needed to upgrade Android Studio to version 4.2.1. So, you have updated your Android Studio. However, the emulator became unusable. Your emulator crashed every time you start it, while AVD Manager displays this problem.

The emulator process for AVD Pixel_C_API_30 was killed

To fix the “The emulator process for AVD Pixel_C_API_30 was killed” problem, simply include the following content to the file ~/.android/advancedFeatures.ini (for Windows users, the path is C:\Users\Dane\.android\advancedFeatures.ini).

Our Approach: Make the file ~/.android/advancedFeatures.ini

This is a problem we’ve recently encountered on my Windows machine. There was no progress made. We spent two days trying to solve this problem with no success. Then we tried this approach, and it worked perfectly.

You only have to include the content below to the file /.android/advancedFeatures.ini (for Windows users, the path is C:UsersDane.androidadvancedFeatures.ini):

# Here's how to disable Vulkan apps to talk to the emulator.
# Add the following lines to ~/.android/advancedFeatures.ini (create this file if it doesn't exist already):
Vulkan = off
GLDirectMem = on


We hope you enjoyed our article about this confusing error. With this knowledge, we know that you can fix your “The emulator process for AVD Pixel_C_API_30 was killed” problem in Windows quickly by following these steps! If you still have any other questions about fixing this syntax error, please leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!

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