Fix “The Python path in your debug configuration is invalid in vscode” Error Fastest

The code errors or python code errors are not too strange for us. Almost every day, we receive many requests for help with problems related to errors. Today will be a thread about a bug that says, “The Python path in your debug configuration is invalid in vscode”.

If you are also learning how to fix this type of error, you are lucky because we can help you. Read the most detailed shares right in the section below!

How Does The “The Python path in your debug configuration is invalid in vscode” Error Type Occurs?

Everything gets more difficult in the presence of errors, and python is one of the things with the most variety of errors. Most of your small activities can lead to commands with an error warning text. This reason is also one factor that makes many people wait for error resolution articles from us.

If you’re getting a type error that says that the Python path in your debug configuration is invalid in vscode, you’re in trouble with debugging. Generally, this type of error will show up in the bottom right part. You need to see and identify them before proceeding to fix the error.

What Should Be Done To Fix This Type Of Error?

When faced with this error, many people still try to debug a python program by pressing the F5 button or running any other debugger but without success. In this case, you should not be confused but calmly solve it according to the most logical steps.

To help you get the right solutions, we have listed and divided them into the two most specific solutions in the following section. Follow to get the most specific look! 

Solution 1 – Add Python Path In Vscode

  1. See “File – Preferences – Settings”.
  2. Click on the “Open Settings (JSON)” button. Ensure that this entry includes python.exe at the end. “python.pythonPath”: “C:\\Users\\<your_user_name>\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python38\\python.exe

Solution 2 – Select Interpreter

  1. Open “Command Palette” (Ctrl + Shift + P).
  2. Type Python: “Select-Interpreter”, open it Select the python interpreter or enter the full path to the python interpreter.


The two specific methods mentioned above will be a great solution to help you fix The Python path in your debug configuration is invalid in vscode error during python code execution. For best results, you should carefully read the instructions and advice in each section.

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