Java 9 includes many eagerly anticipated features, such as the Java Platform Module System (JPMS), which will allow developers to modularize their code. Additionally, Java 9 will include many performance enhancements and bug fixes.
Although the release of Java 9 is still several months away, now is an excellent time to start preparing for it. This post will provide you with the methods to fix the “Class has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java environment” error that can occur when attempting to run Java 8 applications on Java 9.
Why Does Class Has Been Compiled By A More Recent Version Of The Java Environment Occur?
One possible reason why this issue happens is that a more recent version of the Java environment has been used to compile the class file. For example, this can happen if you compiled the project on a different computer than where you run it.
Another possible reason is if the class file has not been signed with a digital certificate. The Java environment only checks for a valid digital certificate when reading the class file. One likely cause is the use of a non-standard class loader.
3 Incredible Methods To Fix This Error
Method 1
If you get the above message, it means there is a newer, incompatible version of Java on your computer than the one that you wrote the program in. This can be due to a recent Java update or even multiple versions of Java installed on your computer.
The first solution is to uninstall any older versions of Java that might be on your computer. If you only have only one version of Java installed, try updating it to the latest version.
Here is the code:
class file version 49 = Java 5
class file version 50 = Java 6
class file version 51 = Java 7
class file version 52 = Java 8
class file version 53 = Java 9
class file version 54 = Java 10
class file version 55 = Java 11
class file version 56 = Java 12
class file version 57 = Java 13
class file version 58 = Java 14
Method 2
The second solution is to update the compiler compliance level. You can do this by opening the Java Control Panel. Then, you can easily see a Java Runtime Environment section under the General tab with a Compliance Level drop-down menu. By default, it is set to 1.6. Change it to 1.8 and click apply.
Once you’ve done, open up your project in Eclipse and right-click on your project’s name. Select Build Path and then select Configure Build Path. Under the Libraries tab, there should be a Java Compiler entry. Change the Compiler compliance level to 1.8 and click OK.
Method 3
You can run this command:
javac --release 8
This will tell javac to use the Java 8 compiler. Done! You’ve solved the issue successfully.
In conclusion, if you encounter a Class compiled by a more recent version of the Java Environment, you can fix this issue with the tips above.
The best option will depend on your specific situation. For more information on addressing this problem, please consult the appropriate documentation for your specific Java environment.