Amazing Solutions To Fix Command ‘python.Execinterminal-Icon’ Not Found In Vs Code

For a long time, developers have been using VS Code as their go-to code editor. It offers a wide range of features that make coding easier and faster. 

However, some developers are starting to experience problems with the editor, especially regarding the message “command ‘python.execInTerminal-icon’ not found in VS Code“. This article will explore the problem and provide a solution. Let’s scroll down to explore!

When Did Command ‘python.Execinterminal-Icon’ Not Found In Vs Code Error Occur?

When a user attempts to use the command “python.execInTerminal-icon” in VS Code, they may receive an error that states “Python.exe not found in PATH.” 

This issue can be caused by many reasons, such as the user not having Python installed or not having the correct version of Python installed. 

Another possible reason for this error is that VS Code has been set up to use a different interpreter for Python than the one currently being used. If this is the case, the user can change the VS Code settings to use the same interpreter as their system.

3 Effective Methods To Fix The Error

Method 1

If you are only using python, then sometimes it can happen that the python.execInTerminal extension of VS Code might not be available in your environment because this particular feature is usually added with java-based extensions of Visual Studio Code and other editors. 

So to solve such issues, we have to disable and enable the extension again on a system level where all Python-based tools work effectively. 

If you’re using Windows, press Control+Shift+S to search for Python Plugin. Disable and reenable the python plugin. You must restart VS code. You’ve now rectified your mistake.

Method 2

The second solution is to uninstall my VS code and reinstall it after trying all possible solutions. 

Do not forget to remove the .vscode Folder from “C:/Users/{Whatever User}/.vscode.” Delete the “Code” Folder and then remove “C:/Users/{Whatever User}/AppData/Roaming” All VS Code Cache files are stored in this directory. 

You can now install the python plugin by simply reinstalling Vs code. Now that you’ve corrected your mistake.

Method 3

If two solutions don’t work for you, we can try the following guideline. First, press Cntrl+Shift+S to search for Python Plugin and Pylance Plugin in the Extensions section. 

Install both plugins after uninstalling. After that, you must restart VS Code. Your problem has been resolved, and you may now relax.


In conclusion, there are three ways to solve the command ‘python.execInTerminal-icon’ not found in VS Code error. First, ensure that you have installed Python and VS Code correctly. Second, check that your PATH environment variable is set up correctly. 

Finally, try restarting your computer or VS Code. If all else fails, you can also consult the official documentation or reach out to a support technician. Thanks for your reading!

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