Sometimes, you will encounter the Chrome opening on Startup error. How to stop this bad situation? Let’s read the following article to find out the solutions!
Many Windows 10 operating system users have recently complained a lot about the Chrome opening on startup automatically when they restart their PCs.
If you are also in the same situation, this article below may be helpful for you to stop this error. Let’s scroll down to find the solutions to this headache problem!
Why This Error?
Before finding methods to stop Chrome from opening on startup, you should understand the causes. Based on survey and investigation, we have found the main determinants of Google Chrome opening on startup problems:
- Windows Startup manager allows Google Chrome to run every time the device launches.
- By default, Chrome is configured to start your improperly closed tabs whenever you open the browser.
- You may have accidentally installed some potentially unwanted applications or malicious websites that require the Google Chrome browser to be open before they operate.
These are common reasons leading to the error Chrome automatically opens on startup on Windows 10.
How To Stop Chrome Opening On Startup?
How to stop Google Chrome from opening on startup? Here are some of the most effective and practical methods you can consider.
Fix 1: Disable Apps Running In The Background Of Google Chrome
#Step 1: Launch Google Chrome
#Step 2: Tap on the three-dot symbol on the top of the window on the right. A table will appear as shown below. Then click on the Settings option.
Launch Chrome
#Step 3: Let’s scroll down at the bottom of the screen, and you will see the Advanced button.
#Step 4: In the System option, turn off the first title: Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed.
In that way, you can completely stop Google Chrome from opening on startup.
Fix 2: Turn Off Google Chrome Startup Via Task Manager
How to stop chrome from opening on startup via Task Manager? Let us show you.
#Step 1: Open Task Manager by seeking on the searching bar or simultaneously pressing Windows + X on the keyboard.
#Step 2: When Task Manager is active, select Startup title.
#Step 3: Right-click on the Chrome symbol, then select the Disable option to end the process.
Fix 3: Stop Google Chrome From Opening Through Registry Editor
Besides, you can stop Google Chrome opens on startup error via Registry Editor, as demonstrated below.
#Step 1: Open the Run utility by typing on the searching bar or pressing the Windows key + R at the same time.
#Step 2: Write down the phrase Regedit into the empty box.
#Step 3: Before continuing manipulation, make a backup. Right now, redirect to this path:
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
#Step 4: Delete all the suspicious or unusual files apart from (Default).
Open Run
#Step 5: Restart your PC to completely solve Chrome opens on startup problem.
In The Nutshell
We have recommended the most easy-to-understand fixes to troubleshoot the common error: Chrome opening on startup automatically. Besides, the principal causes are also pointed to help you understand this problem deeply.
With these helpful methods, we will hopefully solve your technology issue. Thanks for reading, and see you in the next post!
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